Since SMS has been found to not be a sufficient method to ensure the security of your account, we recommend our users to enable a second factor authentication (2FA) application that can replace the need for SMS. The two applications that will work with our service are Google Authenticator and Authy. Before using one of these apps, you need to log into your account at and locate and click on "Account Settings".

To enable Google Authenticator or Authy, download and open one of these applications on your iPhone, Android, or Blackberry device, and tap the "+" to add a new service. In the account settings for bitpaya, you can now click "Enable Google Authenticator" and a QR code that can be scanned by the Google Authenticator or Authy app will generate. Use your Google Authenticator or Authy App to scan the barcode and it will create a link between this application and your Bitpaya account.